Grateful for the dawn

Today I’m grateful for…

Waking with more energy than I’ve had in weeks, to greet the dawn with a smile.

Morning skies

A fresh morning walk with two happy dogs and three curious cats.

Pushing through frustration and anxiety, and getting something difficult resolved.

Remembering Viktor Frankl’s words on what he learnt during the Holocaust: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Gifting my time to create some happy moments and memories.

Finding my patience when all I wanted to do was lose my temper.

Getting something small but important to me ticked off my to-do list, which had been evading me for some months.

Starting the day dancing.

Enjoying reviewing and editing a document that not only provided me with useful knowledge and perspectives, but challenged my way of conceptualising certain systems and mechanisms of state in deeply exciting ways.

Cute kitty-cat cuddles on a misty evening.

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